Inktober 2020 Day 30: Something Ominous This Way Comes

This entry is part 30 of 31 in the series Inktober 2020

Get a full view of the image in the gallery at the end of the post.

I was feeling a bit tired and was not in the mood to be creative the day I drew this. For the Ominous prompt, I went for one of the most obvious spooky subjects related to omens — The Omen.

I wanted to do a quick one for this since I wasn’t really feeling it. Plus, it was Day 30, so the little creative energy that I have, which I barely use, was already exhausted. Drawing everyday could do that to a newbie. So I was happy that I still nailed the minimalist poster of the origina; movie.

I don’t remember seeing the original The Omen but I know it definitely fits the whole Halloween vibe of my entries. It probably mirrored my mood for the day too. Dark, dirty, and diabolical. Well, maybe not diabolical.

Let me know what you think about this ominous drawing by leaving a comment below! Also, I shared my Inktober 2020 entries on Instagram. Follow if you fancy.

Thanks for dropping by! It’s not a child!

  • Crawl
  • Ominous
  • Shoes
  • Float
  • Music
  • Hide
  • Buddy
  • Dig
  • Rip
  • Chef
  • Sleep
  • Coral
  • Dizzy
  • Trap
  • Storm
  • Rocket
  • Outpost
  • Armor
  • Dune
  • Slippery
  • Disgusting
  • Hope
  • Throw
  • Teeth
  • Fancy
  • Blade
  • Radio
  • Bulky
  • Wisp
  • Fish


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