Inktober 2020 Day 14: Armor Up

This entry is part 14 of 31 in the series Inktober 2020

Get a full view of the image in the gallery at the end of the post.

The Armor prompt is another one of those things when I start off with a great idea, but somewhere during execution, it all kind of fell apart. This time, I’m trying to do a Deadite from Evil Dead III: Army of Darkness.

The ideal image would have been a Deadite with a sick ass armor, ready to tear humans apart. Somehow, instead of the Deadite just standing there looking menacing, I decided to do it from an angle where the Deadite is looking up at a light source. I don’t know why either.

I need to watch all of the Evil Dead movies and TV series. I keep putting it off in favor of other movies, TV shows, comics, and work. You’d think you’ll have more time to do things in a pandemic, but it feels like I still have so many things to do with so little time.

Let me know what you think about this medieval dead by leaving a comment below! Also, I shared my Inktober 2020 entries on Instagram. Follow if you fancy.

Thanks for dropping by! Gimme some sugar, baby!

  • Crawl
  • Ominous
  • Shoes
  • Float
  • Music
  • Hide
  • Buddy
  • Dig
  • Rip
  • Chef
  • Sleep
  • Coral
  • Dizzy
  • Trap
  • Storm
  • Rocket
  • Outpost
  • Armor
  • Dune
  • Slippery
  • Disgusting
  • Hope
  • Throw
  • Teeth
  • Fancy
  • Blade
  • Radio
  • Bulky
  • Wisp
  • Fish


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