Inktober 2020 Day 24: Dig It, Sucka!

This entry is part 24 of 31 in the series Inktober 2020

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This is more of a sketch than a drawing. It took me a while to come up with something for the Dig prompt, and by the time I thought of this, I was too tired to put some decent effort into it.

Basically, it’s just someone digging a grave for someone they may or may not have killed. The more look at this, the creepier it gets. We have no idea who’s lying there on the ground. We don’t have an idea who’s doing the digging. It’s a mystery. Now I want to know.

I wish I put more effort into it.

Let me know what you think about this mystery wrapped in an enigma by leaving a comment below! Also, I shared my Inktober 2020 entries on Instagram. Follow if you fancy.

Thanks for dropping by! Hush!

  • Crawl
  • Ominous
  • Shoes
  • Float
  • Music
  • Hide
  • Buddy
  • Dig
  • Rip
  • Chef
  • Sleep
  • Coral
  • Dizzy
  • Trap
  • Storm
  • Rocket
  • Outpost
  • Armor
  • Dune
  • Slippery
  • Disgusting
  • Hope
  • Throw
  • Teeth
  • Fancy
  • Blade
  • Radio
  • Bulky
  • Wisp
  • Fish



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